Llaés Castle and the Pantheon

“On the Hill of San Bartomeu is the castle regarding which there has been news since the year 919. In the year 955, it moved to depend on the Monastery of Sant Joan de les Abadesses. On the same hill a church was built that was established in April 961. The current church still has the features of this temple, but is so transformed that it would be hard to recognise any of the traditional features of Romanesque buildings.
The castle is currently privately owned and the church is in the interior of the wall, which surrounds the two buildings.

Very near Llaés Castle, some 800 metres away on foot, is the pantheon dedicated to the memory of 74 policemen and one officer of the band of liberals who were shot by order of the Carlist General Francesc Savalls in 1874, during the First Carlist War.

Llaés Castle is a 10th century castle, a Cultural Heritage Site and Protected Historic Heritage.”


  • Actualment la fortificació conserva la fisonomia de castell, la torre d’homenatge, el pati d’armes, i el recinte religiós amb una zona enjardinada, el petit cementiri, i l’església de Sant Bartomeu, de marcat estil romànic.
  • castelldellaes@gmail.com
  • https://www.castelldellaes.com


  • Cami de Llaes, 17500, Ripoll, Girona, Espanya
See on google maps

More information

  • It is currently being refurbished as rural tourism