Albert Rigat and Lola Gardella have always known each other. Both sons of Tregurà, from a very young age, already played together in the streets and corners of the village. He was born in 1944 in Cal Cutu, in the Baix neighborhood, and had to fend for himself from a very young age. He was just 12 years old when he went down to look after cows in a farmhouse in Vilallonga de Ter, from where if he looked up he could see the houses in his village. Later he went to do military service in Olot. He volunteered.
With Lola, they started dating very early and at a very young age, when he was 21 and she married 17. They went to live in Cal Xec, in Tregurà de Dalt, where Lola's daughter is, with her parents, Josep and Conxita, who always helped them and supported both the hotel business and the extensive family that was arriving.
Albert’s entrepreneurial spirit was immediately associated with Lola’s unlimited work capacity, and for four or five years they ran a small, old hostel in the village itself, in Cal Tec. The establishment also served as a shop for the villagers. They sold fodder for cattle and other groceries. In that first hostel they already had some rooms for guests who wanted to spend the night or who decided to spend a few days on holiday in the village. But the facilities were very old and so they asked the owners to make renovations and some expansion to better serve customers. Since they were told no, they decided to leave that rental business to start one of their own. And this is how the tourist business began, the current Fonda Rigà, which today is a reference in the region and which opened its doors in the early 70s, shortly before the inauguration of the ski resort of Vallter 2000.