The Cradle of Catalonia

Between 826 and 827 there was a revolt against the Carolingian power that disorganized much of the land that makes up the current region of El Ripollès. At the end of the ninth century, Guifré el Pelós, count of Barcelona, ​​Girona, Osona, Cerdanya and Urgell, dedicated himself to structuring and repopulating the whole territory that was later called Old Catalonia.

The organization of the lands was carried out from the re-establishment of the episcopal see of Vic, the foundation of the monasteries of Santa Maria de Ripoll and Sant Joan de les Abadesses and the creation of several castles. Over time, several churches were consecrated that would give rise to the different villages of the region.

After the death of Guifré el Pelós, the various counties he gathered under his rule were divided among his sons. The lands of El Ripollès would be, years later, divided into three different counties and bishoprics: the valley of Camprodon belonged to the county of Besalú and the bishopric of Girona, the valleys of Ribes and Toses were part of the county of Cerdanya and the bishopric of Urgell and the lower Ripollès was integrated into the county of Osona and the bishopric of Vic.

Despite the political and administrative division, the structure and living standards of the various social classes of society were similar in these lands. The counts and monasteries shared ownership of the territories, which were cultivated by the rest of the population in harsh working conditions.

Between the 9th and 10th centuries, several churches were consecrated throughout the territory of El Ripollès, which later gave rise, in many cases, to the current towns and neighborhoods. From the year 1000, the quality of life of the society increases after some difficult years, and a renovating spirit emerges that is reflected in the construction of new churches and monasteries and the reform of those that already existed. Thus, many temples that were consecrated in the 10th century will be renovated over the next two centuries. This set of religious buildings had common artistic features that have been identified as Romanesque art.