In the 10th century, Bishop of Gerona Servus Dei established a church dedicated to San Pedro, but it was not until the middle of the same century that Count Guifré II de Besalú founded it as a Benedictine monastery. The abbot and Benedictine monks were the main organisers of the demographic and economic growth of Camprodon between the 10th and 12th centuries.
Today, we can only see the church. The cloister was destroyed in 1460 and in the 17th century the monastery was in such a poor state that the eight monks and the abbot had to live in private houses. During the 20th century, the monastery buildings were demolished and the church was restored.
The church is 12th century, with a Latin cross layout. It has a single nave, covered by barrel vault slightly pointed and reinforced by transverse arches. It is important to highlight the five rectangular apses, four of which are found in the transept and cannot be differentiated from the exterior. The belfry, with two floors and raised over the cimborio, gives the architectural complex dynamism; the cimborio translates in the interior into a dome decorated with a cornice.
The great simplicity of the building’s construction and the sparse decoration that we find give it the feel of the Order of the Cistercians, where sombreness is elegance. The most worked area is the door of the main facade, with forms similar to those of Santa Cecília de Molló.
A beautiful Romanesque temple built in the 12th century to replace the primitive 10th century building.